Review Policy


AmeriFreight is a leader in the auto transportation industry and to get there we listened to our customers by the feedback we received from their reviews. Reviews play an extremely important part in helping us to improve our customer service and inform consumers on customer responses to our services. We understand that it takes time and effort to do a review. While we may have compensated for reviews, good and bad, in the past, we do not compensate customers for reviews now or within the past several years. We view reviews as a gift and treat them as such. When we deliver excellence, and we hear about it, it is the sound of applause in our ears. When something falls short, we treat it seriously and move to rectify what we can and improve our processes.


For those who have read about a settlement between AmeriFreight and the Federal Trade Commission, this is our response: In essence the requirement from the FTC is that if reviews are paid for it should be disclosed and that undisclosed endorsements should not be advertised as being unbiased. AmeriFreight could not provide sufficient evidence to prove that consumers or prospective customers were informed about our review incentives that offered compensation for leaving reviews, no matter if they were good or bad. As of October 8, 2014, to be in compliance with FTC requirements, we have posted our policy on reviews on our website for general information to the consumer. We have never before intentionally tried to hide or misrepresent the fact that we compensated for reviews. With this message we will now provide evidence to the fact that there may be a material connection between AmeriFreight and customers who have posted online reviews. We have compensated for reviews in the past and may from time to time again be compensating or offer incentives to our customers for good or bad reviews. Should there be any questions or concerns about our review policy, please feel free to contact us.